Procurement of software and hardware should be carried out wisely so that the selected technology can support the company's operations and needs. Choosing the right IT vendor is a crucial issue. Therefore, a systematic and objective approach is very necessary. The problems found were that the selection of IT vendors was not appropriate and effective because it was still done subjectively but not objectively, lacked transparency and did not use the right methods in decision making. The aim of this research is to help make decisions systematically and more precisely using the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The criteria used include price, product quality, company experience, service, guarantee, payment method, availability of goods, vendor reputation, and vendor location. Analysis of the TOPSIS method calculations, it can be concluded that code A001, PT. Synnex Metrodata Indonesia can be recommended as the best IT vendor with the largest value, namely 0.9218. The product test results from user validation were 95.54% so that the recommendation for determining an IT vendor using the TOPSIS method was declared very feasible
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