The selection of vendors to work on a project is an activity that must be carried out effectively and precisely so that the project is carried out in accordance with business needs and does not suffer losses. To get the best vendor ranking, you can use the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) calculation method. TOPSIS method is a method that generates rankings by calculating the distance between the best solution and the worst solution. The steps to calculate using TOPSIS are identification of alternatives and their values, create a decision matrix, normalize the matrix, calculate the normalization matrix, look for positive and negative solutions, calculate the distance between positive and negative solutions, and calculate relative closeness and sort preferences. In this study using 8 criteria and 5 alternative vendors. Research method using research and development. This method will produce a prototype. The results of the calculation of TOPSIS obtained vendor c who gets the highest score and vendor b with the lowest rankReferences
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