Cikundul Village is a sub-district located in Lembursitu District, Sukabumi City. The making of cover letters in Cikundul Subdistrict still uses conventional methods, where people have to come directly to the subdistrict office, this is felt to be less effective in terms of service to the community. The use of technology is needed to help the community and sub-district staff to produce maximum services. This community service activity initiated a digitalization program for the creation of cover letters issued by Cikundul Village. The aim of this program is to make it easier for local people who want to apply for a letter of introduction from the sub-district. This program was created to simplify and speed up the time for processing letters, it can be done at home or other places, the letters will be collected when completed and immediately validated by authorized officials. It is hoped that digitizing this cover letter can help maximize sub-district services to the community efficiently.References
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