Penerapan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Untuk Rekomendasi Penetapan Vendor Jamuan
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Determining the best banquet vendor
Decision Support System
Simple Additive Weighting.

How to Cite

Penerapan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Untuk Rekomendasi Penetapan Vendor Jamuan. (2024). TeknoIS : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Dan Sains, 14(2), 147-158.


In line with the development of the times that demand to always be fast in everything, including food and drink provision services. Food and beverage service providers must have good service quality, one of which is always being on time in distributing food to the ordering location. Food and drink provision services are very necessary in various fields including within the Government sphere. Within the Bogor Regency Government environment, services providing food and drink are very necessary, especially for banquets and meetings. Currently, these service providers are increasing in number and competing. Each banquet vendor service offers many choices of attractive, competitive and specific banquet service packages. On the other hand, this sometimes makes it difficult for service users to choose a banquet vendor. However, in the process, determining the tender winner (selected banquet vendor) is currently less effective due to the inaccurate weighting of the assessment of the existing criteria so that the selected winner is not the right winner. Therefore, in this research, a decision support system was created using the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method to simplify and increase the effectiveness and accuracy of determining the best banquet vendor based on the specified criteria and assessment weights. The banquet vendor recommendation system for the Bogor Regency Government was successfully developed by applying the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. As a result, Leanda Catering was ranked first with a score of 72.4 in the evaluation, followed by Resto Lembah Anai in second place with a score of 63.95, and Mitra Catering in third place with a score of 59.9. As for the feasibility calculation results, the average feasibility percentage score reached 92.78% and was in the "Very Eligible" category.

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