Students who have graduated from Junior High School (SMP) want to continue to Vocational High School (SMK) and cannot yet determine which field of expertise program they should choose. Although the teachers have provided direction to the students, they have not fully provided solutions to the problem. faced by new students, in the previous year the process was still inaccurate and less than optimal in selecting skills programs so that students who had chosen these skills programs moved to the middle of the grade level. Based on the problem, namely the lack of accuracy and effectiveness in recommendations for skills programs in vocational schools. Aims to overcome problems, to improve harmony between student abilities and the chosen skills program. Apart from that, schools are also expected to continue to compete in getting quality students and improving the quality of their education. Therefore, a decision support process is needed in recommending skills programs to improve students' abilities using the Profile Matching Method. Profile Matching is a reasoning ability that focuses on data similarities which is one of the main elements in knowledge-based systems. Knowledge-based systems have the ability to effectively define the degree of similarity, which is an important aspect in advancing the major system. It is hoped that the use of the Decision Support System (DSS) can assist in decision making, solving the problem of selecting a skills program according to the student's abilities. The criteria used for this problem are Mathematics Values, English Language Values, Arts, Culture and Informatics Values as Core Factors, and Interests, Attitude Values, and Indonesian Language Values as Secondary Factors. Based on the Mathematics Profile calculations, it provides a recommendation for a skills program, namely to a student named Adinda Shafira with a score of 4.7 in the Multimedia Skills Program (MM) and 4.4 in the Computer and Network Engineering Skills Program (TKJ). So it can be concluded that the recommendation for the student's expertise program is Multimedia or called MM.
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