Implementasi Data Warehouse dan Business Intelligence untuk Pemantauan dan Analisis Penjualan Game


data warehouse
game sales
data analysis
business intelligence

How to Cite

Implementasi Data Warehouse dan Business Intelligence untuk Pemantauan dan Analisis Penjualan Game. (2025). TeknoIS : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Dan Sains, 15(1), 40-50.


This study aims to analyze the role of a data warehouse system in monitoring and analyzing game sales while providing technology-based solutions for strategic decision-making. The research employs a method of integrating data from various sources through extraction, transformation, and loading processes into a centralized data warehouse. Validated data is then visualized using business intelligence tools to create interactive dashboards displaying sales trends based on platforms, regions, and genres. The analysis techniques include identifying sales patterns, monitoring key performance indicators, and evaluating customer preferences. The findings reveal that integrating a data warehouse with dashboard-based visualization significantly supports decision-makers in identifying market opportunities, optimizing promotional strategies, and projecting future sales trends. This study contributes substantially to advancing digital transformation in the gaming industry by leveraging data-driven technologies to enhance competitive advantage



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