Tourism Information System to Recommend Tourist Destinations Using the Simple Additive Weighting Method


Decision support system
Simple Additive Weighting

How to Cite

Tourism Information System to Recommend Tourist Destinations Using the Simple Additive Weighting Method. (2025). TeknoIS : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Dan Sains, 15(1), 96-103.


Busy lives and work pressures can affect one's performance and mental well-being, often leading to stress. One way to cope with this is to travel, which can provide new and refreshing experiences. However, the large selection of tourist destinations and the lack of complete information on several tourism websites make it difficult for prospective tourists to choose a destination that matches the desired criteria. This research aims to develop a web-based tourism information system that can provide complete information about tourist destinations, including uniqueness or attractiveness, ticket prices, accessibility, lodging, and other tourist attractions in the vicinity. The system is also equipped with a tourist destination recommendation feature using the Simple Additive Weighting method, which helps tourists choose tourist attractions according to the desired alternative tourist attractions and based on the specified criteria. System development uses waterfall methodology, with data collection through interviews, research on tourism websites, and literature studies. Based on the test results using the Black Box Testing method, it shows that the system built is in accordance with the specifications and user needs so that it can provide comprehensive information and help tourists in choosing tourist destinations that suit the needs of prospective tourists.



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