This study discusses the application of the Forward Chaining algorithm in a recommendation system using REST API to provide research log suggestions in the Rubber Research Center. The main problem faced is the difficulty researchers have in determining the next research steps and addressing challenges that arise during the research. The objective of this study is to develop a prototype application that effectively provides research log suggestions. The method used is research and development (R&D) with a descriptive approach. The results indicate that the Forward Chaining algorithm is effective in providing suggestions based on the activities or challenges faced by researchers. The implementation of REST API enhances the efficiency of the recommendation process. Evaluation using PSSUQ shows a system feasibility level of 86.67%, which falls into the "Very Feasible" category. With the application of this system, researchers at the Rubber Research Center can more easily obtain the recommendations needed for the next research steps and recommendations for addressing challenges that occur during the research, thereby increasing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the research.
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