Implementasi Sistem Informasi Dengan Menggunakan Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Odoo di PT. XYZ Purwodadi
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Critical Path Method

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Implementasi Sistem Informasi Dengan Menggunakan Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Odoo di PT. XYZ Purwodadi. (2024). TeknoIS : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Dan Sains, 14(2), 261-269.


In the current technological era, information technology has an important role in the business world. However, there are still companies that have not utilized information technology. PT. XYZ Purwodadi, is a motor vehicle sales company (dealer) that still does all work manually. This has resulted in problems for the Company, especially in terms of obtaining information, where it takes longer because the data contained in the Company has not been integrated. Then, there is the possibility of problems resulting from negligence by employees, such as data that is forgotten to be entered into the Company's data records. The Enterprise Resource Planning program was created to try to overcome the problems that occurred at PT. To overcome the problems found in the Company, a Critical Path Method (CPM) function was created to support the Company's business processes in carrying out project management. To measure the success of implementing the Odoo ERP program, user satisfaction analysis was carried out using the Doll and Torkzadeh (1998) method. From the results of the analysis of the implementation of the Odoo ERP program in the Company, it can be concluded that the Odoo ERP program has had a good impact on fulfilling the Company's needs well and quickly.
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