Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Online Menggunakan PHP dan Paypal
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Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Online Menggunakan PHP dan Paypal. (2022). TeknoIS : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Dan Sains, 12(2), 228-237.


The conventional payment transaction system, which has begun to be abandoned due to the rapid development of technology, requires changes in the payment system. Technological developments help users of these technologies in making transactions this study, the payment transaction process is still conventional or manual which causes problems that occur, such as the length of time in the transaction, prone to errors, data management is not so good. The application of online payment transactions can help overcome these problems, such as saving time, good data management and fewer errors that will occur. For the description of the system in terms of system development using SDLC method and the model used is Waterfall, where the waterfall process starts from system analysis to system maintenance. For system design using the UML (usecase & Activity Diagram) process, whit the use of UML, which describes the payment transaction process. And the online payment transaction model using the payment facility with PayPal.
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