Penerapan metode fuzzy sugeno untuk prediksi persediaan bahan baku

Julio Warmansyah - [ ]
Dida Hilpiah


 PT. Cahaya Boxindo Prasetya is a company engaged in the manufacture of carton boxes or boxes. The company's activities also include cutting and printing services using machinery and human power. The problem faced in this company is the difficulty of predicting the amount of inventory of raw materials that will be  included in the production. The remaining raw materials for production will be used as the final stock to get the minimum, the goal is to reduce excess stock Overcoming this problem, fuzzy logic is used to predict raw material inventories by focusing on the final stock. In this study using Fuzzy Sugeno, with three input variables, namely: initial inventory, purchase, production, while the output is the final stock. Determination of prediction results using defuzzification using the average concept of MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error). The results obtained, using the Fuzzy Sugeno method can predict the inventory of raw materials with a MAPE value of 38%. 


Fuzzy Sugeno; Fuzzy Logic

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